25 research outputs found

    Models for supply chain negotiation in collaborative relationships

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    Nowadays, firms are increasingly building collaborative relationships with their partners in order to improve the global performance of the supply chain in which they are involved. Such collaborative relationships require information exchange or share and negotiation. In this paper, we first formalize some practices of collaboration from case studies of the aeronautical area then suggest some models for negotiation, allowing a supply chain member to publish hidden constraints and share risks/costs in order to achieve a win-win situation

    Assessing the compliance of a product with an eco-label: from standards to constraints

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    The new awareness of the consumers regarding environmental issues should allow companies to gain a competitive advantage by obtaining eco-labels which certify the low impact of a product on the environment. Getting such label requires to analyse a product according to rules expressed in natural language which may be difficult to interpret but also to apply when the product is complex. In order to address this problem, we suggest a method aiming at providing support to the user when checking the compliance of a product with an eco-label. The method is applied on an illustrative example of the literature

    MRP-based negotiation in customer-supplier relationship

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    In the present uncertain context, increasing the performance of the supply chains requires to define cooperative processes between partners aiming at providing a better answer to the final customer, with a risk shared between partners. Based on an analysis of real practices, we suggest in this communication to take the MRP process as a basis for defining what could be such a cooperative process

    Towards a collaborative MRP for supply chain coordination

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    The necessity to increase collaboration in nowadays supply chains is emphasized both by academics and practitioners, but most of the supply chains are still managed through cascades of classical MRP/MRP2 systems. Interviews in the aeronautical sector have shown us the existence of many hidden practices aiming at satisfying local constraints which would be better addressed through collaborative processes. We suggest in this communication to define a "collaborative MRP" which would not only provide a better global performance than purely local planning, but take into account the autonomy of the involved partners which is not always respected by centralized pproaches using APS (Advanced Planning Systems)

    Modélisation des connaissances normatives en vue l'évaluation de la recyclabilité d'un produit en conception : des normes aux contraintes

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    Un des principes de l'ingénierie concourante consiste à prendre en compte des contraintes liées à des étapes aval du cycle de vie d'un produit. Une meilleure prise en compte de ces exigences peut être obtenue par la mise à disposition d'outils d'aide à la décision permettant de vérifier rapidement la satisfaction des contraintes sur l'état actuel de description du produit. L'intégration des contraintes environnementales lors de la conception d'un produit est un excellent exemple de cette problématique, car représentative du problème général de la modélisation des connaissances, puis de leur interprétation au sein d'un système informatisé. En effet, les critères que le produit doit satisfaire sont contenus dans des normes et standards rédigés en langage naturel ; ces derniers peuvent être parfois ambigus, donc difficiles à interpréter, aussi bien par un humain que par un logiciel. Dans cette thèse, notre travail vise à proposer puis valider une démarche de traduction des connaissances normatives sous une forme exploitable pour l'évaluation de la recyclabilité d'un produit lors de sa conception. Nous proposons tout d'abord de définir un modèle « étendu » de produit à partir de l'analyse d'un échantillon représentatif d'éco-labels ; ces derniers étant considérés comme corpus de connaissances contenant des règles permettant d'évaluer la recyclabilité. Un langage de modélisation à base d'ontologies est pour cela utilisé afin de faciliter le passage du langage naturel à un modèle semi-formel. Il s'agit ensuite de propager les contraintes de recyclabilité extraites du corpus considéré dans la nomenclature du produit ; celle-ci étant choisie comme cadre de définition des paramètres de la recyclabilité. La démarche proposée est alors validée à partir d'un algorithme basé sur des techniques de CSP, tandis qu'une implémentation à l'aide du langage objet CLAIRE est décrite

    Introducing "2.0" functionalities in an ERP

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    Companies and ERP editors show an increasing interest for the Web 2.0 technologies, aiming at involving the user of a web site in the creation of content. We summarize in this communication what these tools are and give an overview of recent examples of their use in companies. We show on the example of the most recent ERP of SAP, Business By Design, that if "2.0 tools" are now available in some ERPs, their integration in the business processes is not yet fully done. We suggest in that purpose the first draft of a methodology aiming at developing "2.0 business processes" using an ERP 2.0

    Structuring and modelling norms for the recyclability assessment of products during their design

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    Environmental issues, such as product recyclability, are becoming a crucial social concern for manufacturers. Often formulated in natural language, the norms and standards that govern these issues can be difficult to link to the product definition. It becomes necessary to provide the designer with appropriate support tools allowing, for instance, for the compliance of products with environmental criteria to be checked. In the current paper, we show how normative knowledge, coming from textual sources (eco-labels), can be expressed through constraints, allowing checking in a semi-automated process the recyclability of a product

    Operational competence management comparison of industrial frameworks

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    Competence management is a quite recent but important topic addressed by nowadays companies for improving their organization. With examples coming from several industrial projects, we show the difficulty of defining a consistent competence management framework, and exhibit the inconsistencies which can result from an insufficient analysis of this domain. Some guidelines are suggested in order to improve the quality of a Competence Management System

    Robust competence assessment for job assignment

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    International audienceAllocating the right person to a task or job is a key issue for improving quality and performance of achievements, usually addressed using the concept of "competences". Nevertheless, providing an accurate assessment of the competences of an individual may be in practice a difficult task. We suggest in this paper to model the uncertainty on the competences possessed by a person using a possibility distribution, and the imprecision on the competences required for a task using a fuzzy constraint, taking into account the possible interactions between competences using a Choquet Integral. As a difference with comparable approaches, we then suggest to perform the allocation of persons to jobs using a Robust Optimisation approach, allowing to minimize the risk taken by the decision maker. We first apply this framework to the problem of selecting a candidate within n for a job, then extend the method to the problem of selecting c candidates for j jobs (c ≥ j) using the leximin criterion